Essential Question: How does our knowledge of Asia impact our thinking about that region?
Kate: I think that the answer to the essential question is that, what we know about Asia is very important in what we think and/or do. For example, if we think that Asia is a dessert that can impact our thinking because we would think that Asia has not a lot of water, and not lot of rain. This explains that our knowledge of Asia is very important, too. This affects the people because if they live near water, they can get water very easily. There’s also seafood so they can get food very easily, too. Also, if they live in some kind of vegetation, it will be easier to get certain things. These are something’s that can effect people and how they live.
Daniella: I had previous thinking about Asia. Before my fundamental research on this vast continent I thought Asia had a hot and humid climate that never changed especially in Central Asia. After this research I found that there are different types of climate like tundra’s especially in Northern Asia. As you can see, Asia is a vast continent with different climates. Also, there are different bodies of water like the Sea of Japan, which provides infrastructure of Japan and the other countries such as South and North Korea. In Asia, Mount Everest is the largest mountain and I knew this before, but I have researched that there are many other mountains that are essential to Asia. The vegetation in Asia is very different. There are many forest and crops. As you can see, there are many things that changed my thinking about Asia.
Gabriel: I also had previous thinking about Asia. When I saw the ride “Expedition Everest” at Walt Disney World, I wondered what the real size of Everest was. I also wondered what the climate was in Asia. Like Daniella said, there are many climates in Asia. I also wonder what kinds of technology they use. Do they use computers like the one I am typing on now? I also wonder what types of pets they have there. Do they have cats, dogs, birds? What do the people there wear? What are their traditions, their religions, their beliefs? There is still much I have to learn about Asia.
Mateusz: What I learned is that in Asia there are a lot of mountains and they are the highest mountains in the world. I wonder why there are a lot of mountains in Asia. But now that I learned about the geography of Asia I wonder what the people wear there. Also, at first I thought that all the climate ever was is hot or humid, but I learned that in some areas in Asia the climate is seasonal!
OMG this is really good